Mit ungebremstem Girlie-Charme verkörpert Vanessa Paradis die Chansons-trällernde White-Trash-Braut Concia, die im tiefsten Nirgendwo von der Liebe und einem Plattenvertrag träumt. Zum Dahinschmelzen findet sie auch der soeben im Kaff angereiste Stuntman James (Jason Flemyng). Bei ihrem Anblick verliert er prompt die Fassung und fackelt aus Versehen die Bar von Concias Daddy ab. Dafür landet er für 133 Jahre hinter Gittern - so ist das nun mal in den Bayous, wenn der Richter mit dem Kläger verschwägert ist. Doch James kann fliehen und macht sich auf, seine Liebste zurück zu erobern... Aber halt, der Film begann doch ganz anders?! Wir erinnern uns an das Bild eines Astronauten, der auf die Erde zusteuert. Also, was denn nun: 2001 - A SPACE ODYSSEE oder LOVE STORY? Plötzlich tauchen auch noch eklige Aliens auf, die den tumben Hinterwäldlern die Gesichter wegsaugen und auch sonst einiges Blut spritzende Unheil anrichten. Irgendwo zwischen Kubrick-Zitaten und Alex de la Iglesia-Hommage entwickelt sich ATOMIK CIRCUS schließlich zu einem durchgedrehten Gore-Fest.
True love, motorcycle daredevils, and alien visitation all find their way into this wildly imaginative fantasy, written and directed by Didier Poiraud and his brother Thierry Poiraud, a pair of comic artists who adapted the story from their own work.
James Bataille (Jason Flemyng) is in love with Concia (Vanessa Paradis), a chanteuse whose father, Bosco (Jean-Pierre Marielle), runs the only nightspot in the tiny town where they live. The mechanically inclined Bataille attempts to stage an elaborate motorcycle stunt to impress Concia, but when it goes sour, he ends up in prison with a 133-year sentence. Desperate to help Concita and raise some money, Bataille escapes from behind bars to make an appointment to fix the car of music biz tycoon Allan Chaisse (Benoît Poelvoorde). Chaisse’s timing may be fortuitous, as Concita is soon to take part in the town’s annual talent show, though he’s expected to face tough competition from a very unusual dog act.
ROMEO & JULIET go Rock’n’Roll in this insane (in the best sense of this word) sci-fi/comedy/gore B movie about true love, motorcycle daredevils, and an invasion of face-sucking aliens. Plus, not to forget: a very inspiring and unexpected Lovecraft-touch! This French take on Bayou hospitality and fight for survival is a wildly imaginative fantasy flick, written and directed by Didier Poiraud and his brother Thierry Poiraud, a pair of comic artists who adapted the story from their own work. And that is crazier than Tarantino, that’s for sure.
True love, motorcycle daredevils, and alien visitation all find their way into this wildly imaginative fantasy, written and directed by Didier Poiraud and his brother Thierry Poiraud, a pair of comic artists who adapted the story from their own work.
James Bataille (Jason Flemyng) is in love with Concia (Vanessa Paradis), a chanteuse whose father, Bosco (Jean-Pierre Marielle), runs the only nightspot in the tiny town where they live. The mechanically inclined Bataille attempts to stage an elaborate motorcycle stunt to impress Concia, but when it goes sour, he ends up in prison with a 133-year sentence. Desperate to help Concita and raise some money, Bataille escapes from behind bars to make an appointment to fix the car of music biz tycoon Allan Chaisse (Benoît Poelvoorde). Chaisse’s timing may be fortuitous, as Concita is soon to take part in the town’s annual talent show, though he’s expected to face tough competition from a very unusual dog act.
ROMEO & JULIET go Rock’n’Roll in this insane (in the best sense of this word) sci-fi/comedy/gore B movie about true love, motorcycle daredevils, and an invasion of face-sucking aliens. Plus, not to forget: a very inspiring and unexpected Lovecraft-touch! This French take on Bayou hospitality and fight for survival is a wildly imaginative fantasy flick, written and directed by Didier Poiraud and his brother Thierry Poiraud, a pair of comic artists who adapted the story from their own work. And that is crazier than Tarantino, that’s for sure.