Der Tatort: Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Die Beute: Kunstwerke, Schwarzmarktwert ca. 50 Millionen Dollar. Die Gesuchten: Pike (Rhames), Hobbs (Caruso), Chino (Leguizamo) und Booker (Wahlberg). Der Mann im Hintergrund: Crane (Whitaker). Die Frau im Vordergrund: eine Prostituierte (Fiorentino). Der Deal: Den Kunstraub in Miami, Florida, zu versilbern. Der Trip: Quer durch die USA. Das Fazit: Der Highway wird zur Todesfalle. Diese packende Mixtur aus Road-Movie, Gangster-Film und Action-Reißer ist vor allem auch eine luzide Charakterstudie, bei der mega-gefährliche Kriminellen-Psychen mit chirurgischer Präzision bloßgelegt werden. Und immer wenn Femme Fatale Linda Fiorentino auf der Leinwand auftaucht, ist mehr als nur Gefahr in Verzug.
This hard-boiled thriller is a breathtaking adven-ture into the corrupted minds of low-life-gansters. It shows their limitless greed and also their brutal tendency to destroy in order to survive. But on the other hand, it draws a touching portrait of a man struggling deeply with the crime he has committed and simply looking forward to starting a new good life of his own. Body Count is as action-packed and character-driven as you want a crime story to be. And it surprises you with a more than just amazing finish.
This hard-boiled thriller is a breathtaking adven-ture into the corrupted minds of low-life-gansters. It shows their limitless greed and also their brutal tendency to destroy in order to survive. But on the other hand, it draws a touching portrait of a man struggling deeply with the crime he has committed and simply looking forward to starting a new good life of his own. Body Count is as action-packed and character-driven as you want a crime story to be. And it surprises you with a more than just amazing finish.