Produziert von Graveyard Filmworks, dem Horrorlabel von den DOG SOLDIERS-Machern, kommt hier ein reizender kleiner Popcorn-Schocker, der einmal mehr ein Blondinen- und Muskel-gespicktes Grüppchen US-Teenager zu Halloween in ein Spukhaus schickt, mit der harmlosen Absicht, ein bisschen Spaß zu haben und die Mädchen zu erschrecken. Doch Mist, das Spukhaus ist echt, hier wimmelt es tatsächlich von satanischen Seelen! Eins, zwei, drei geraten die Kids zu Geisterfutter. Und dies für ein Teen-Movie zum Teil erfrischend plakativ ins Bild gesetzt. Viele nette Jump-Effekte und der Running-Gag bzw. -Scare mit dem FAHRSTUHL DES GRAUENS sowie ein Wiedersehen mit Horrorikone Dee Wallace Stone (THE HOWLING, CUJO) als tote Krankenschwester, tun ihr Übriges, um einen unterhaltsamen Abend zu basteln, der weitaus mehr Überraschungen bietet, als der Titel vermuten lässt.
1975 - Santa Mira Hospital was the home of Gregory Jacob (played by Maurice Steven Felty). A child murderer, Jacob was hospitalized on the third floor - the J-Ward - Room 333 - the mental ward. Jacob engineered a fire in order to escape but the plan backfired and all the patients were killed, including Nurse Russell (played by Dee Wallace Stone) who risked her own life to make sure this evil man never escaped. The fire shut the hospital down for awhile. During several attempts at renovation, accidents would occur on the third floor. Jacob’s Floor. The hospital eventually re-opened for a couple of years, but the damage was done. The hospital went into ruin.
But the hospital did not remain unoccupied. The ghost of Gregory Jacob, along with other trapped spirits, still walked the halls of Santa Mira. Throughout the years, living beings would enter the hospital and disappeared. You see, the hospital ghosts play on paranoia, making you think you or your friends aren’t what they should be. They watch you and the moment you are vulnerable or dead, they take over the body. But eventually the host bodies would melt. Jacob had to wait for a strong body to possess, to free him from the hospital chains... and on this Halloween night, his wish may come true.
"When a film like first time director Anthony C. Ferrante’s BOO comes along, you can practically feel that old indie horror sensation creeping back to life like some ghastly cinematic corpse revived from the grave (.) In fact, Ferrante apparently knows his horror-stuff: From a HALLOWEEN-tinged opening shot, to numerous CHANGELING references, to a gross and inverted mass of dog flesh that seems culled straight from John Carpenter’s THE THING, BOO is chockfull of genre reference points." Now Playing Magazine
1975 - Santa Mira Hospital was the home of Gregory Jacob (played by Maurice Steven Felty). A child murderer, Jacob was hospitalized on the third floor - the J-Ward - Room 333 - the mental ward. Jacob engineered a fire in order to escape but the plan backfired and all the patients were killed, including Nurse Russell (played by Dee Wallace Stone) who risked her own life to make sure this evil man never escaped. The fire shut the hospital down for awhile. During several attempts at renovation, accidents would occur on the third floor. Jacob’s Floor. The hospital eventually re-opened for a couple of years, but the damage was done. The hospital went into ruin.
But the hospital did not remain unoccupied. The ghost of Gregory Jacob, along with other trapped spirits, still walked the halls of Santa Mira. Throughout the years, living beings would enter the hospital and disappeared. You see, the hospital ghosts play on paranoia, making you think you or your friends aren’t what they should be. They watch you and the moment you are vulnerable or dead, they take over the body. But eventually the host bodies would melt. Jacob had to wait for a strong body to possess, to free him from the hospital chains... and on this Halloween night, his wish may come true.
BOO is a perfect example of heart and soul going into a movie (.) The score was classic ’80s with a modern twist, the editing tight as hell and the cinematography looked beautiful in the haunted hospital. Also, there was a nice amount of 'goo,' which was very reminiscent of something out of RE-ANIMATOR.
"When a film like first time director Anthony C. Ferrante’s BOO comes along, you can practically feel that old indie horror sensation creeping back to life like some ghastly cinematic corpse revived from the grave (.) In fact, Ferrante apparently knows his horror-stuff: From a HALLOWEEN-tinged opening shot, to numerous CHANGELING references, to a gross and inverted mass of dog flesh that seems culled straight from John Carpenter’s THE THING, BOO is chockfull of genre reference points." Now Playing Magazine