Matthew Hastings’ DECOYS bestätigt, was pubertierende Jungs immer schon ahnten: Die blonden Sirenen, die in der Schule mit ihrem kessen Auftreten für massiven Hormonstau bei allen männlichen Schülern sorgen, sind tatsächlich nicht einfach nur BÖSE. Sie sind obendrein Wesen von einem anderen Stern, und Mann tut gut daran, die Finger von ihnen zu lassen.
Bis die beiden Teenager Luke und Roger allerdings zu dieser Erkenntnis gelangen, hat der Kanadier Hastings in seinem charmanten Mix aus Comedy, Science-Fiction und Horror hinlänglich Zeit, sich über die Konventionen amerikanischer Highschool-Filme lustig zu machen und mit ein paar kompetenten Schockszenen zu erschrecken, in denen sich auch Sympathieträger nicht besonders sicher fühlen dürfen.
Wem also die gleichgeschalteten Hausfrauen in THE STEPFORD WIVES zu sehr Hollywood und zu wenig durchtrieben sind oder wer immer noch auf eine Fortsetzung von Robert Rodriguez’ THE FACULTY hofft, wird hier bestens bedient.
Luke and Roger are freshmen at a bucolic, small-town college. Both are preoccupied with sex, especially since they are convinced that they are the only two remaining virgins in their class. One day, at mid-term, two very pretty girls - transfer students from England - arrive at their dorm. Thrilled, Luke and Roger look forward to introducing the girls around the college. As gorgeous as the girls are, however, there is something strange about them that Luke can’t quite put his finger on. One night, he witnesses a bizarre incident. In a quick ritual, something organic suddenly shoots out from one girl to the other, connects for a moment, and then retracts. In shock, Luke barely escapes undetected. When, a few days later, a hockey star is found dead, his stomach ripped out, Luke begins to fear for his own life. There’s something distinctly alien about these English girls...
Whereas Robert Rodriguez claimed in THE FACULTY that teachers were extraterrestrials out to hunt down innocent pupils, Matthew Hastings confirms our long-held belief that the prettiest girls in school are actually aliens from another planet. Hastings turns this idea into an enjoyable black high-school-comedy with just the right mix of horror and science-fiction elements that of course basically deal with the fear of first sexual arousal and impotence.
Bis die beiden Teenager Luke und Roger allerdings zu dieser Erkenntnis gelangen, hat der Kanadier Hastings in seinem charmanten Mix aus Comedy, Science-Fiction und Horror hinlänglich Zeit, sich über die Konventionen amerikanischer Highschool-Filme lustig zu machen und mit ein paar kompetenten Schockszenen zu erschrecken, in denen sich auch Sympathieträger nicht besonders sicher fühlen dürfen.
Wem also die gleichgeschalteten Hausfrauen in THE STEPFORD WIVES zu sehr Hollywood und zu wenig durchtrieben sind oder wer immer noch auf eine Fortsetzung von Robert Rodriguez’ THE FACULTY hofft, wird hier bestens bedient.
Luke and Roger are freshmen at a bucolic, small-town college. Both are preoccupied with sex, especially since they are convinced that they are the only two remaining virgins in their class. One day, at mid-term, two very pretty girls - transfer students from England - arrive at their dorm. Thrilled, Luke and Roger look forward to introducing the girls around the college. As gorgeous as the girls are, however, there is something strange about them that Luke can’t quite put his finger on. One night, he witnesses a bizarre incident. In a quick ritual, something organic suddenly shoots out from one girl to the other, connects for a moment, and then retracts. In shock, Luke barely escapes undetected. When, a few days later, a hockey star is found dead, his stomach ripped out, Luke begins to fear for his own life. There’s something distinctly alien about these English girls...
Whereas Robert Rodriguez claimed in THE FACULTY that teachers were extraterrestrials out to hunt down innocent pupils, Matthew Hastings confirms our long-held belief that the prettiest girls in school are actually aliens from another planet. Hastings turns this idea into an enjoyable black high-school-comedy with just the right mix of horror and science-fiction elements that of course basically deal with the fear of first sexual arousal and impotence.