
Fantasy FilmFest 1995

Accumulator 1 (1994)
Akte X (1995)
Babylon 5 (1994)
Candyman - Farewell to the Flesh (1995)1 Review 
Castle Freak (1995)1 Review 
Cold Blooded (1995)
Dark Skies (1996)
Dolores Claiborne (1995)
Exquisite Tenderness (1994)
Fantastisch kurz (1995)
Les ailes de l’ombre (Shadow’s Wings) (1994)
Deus ex machina (1993)
Dypets ensomhet (Loneliness of the Deep) (1995)
Feuermann (1995)
Der Präsident (The President) (1995)
Vibroboy (1993)
La vis (1993)
Final Hour (1995)
Fist of the North Star (1995)
Frankenstein und die Monster aus dem All (1968)
Gamera (1995)
God’s Army (1994)
Gorgo (1959)1 Review 
Hideaway (1995)
Invasion vom Mars (1953)
Judge Dredd (1995)
Der Kopf des Mohren (1995)
Last Gasp (1995)
Lipton Cockton in the Shadows of Sodoma (1995)
The Maddening (1994)
Metaluna IV antwortet nicht (1955)
Mute Witness (1995)1 Review 
The Mystery of Rampo (1995)
Night of the Scarecrow (1995)1 Review 
Night Owl (1993)
Nur über meine Leiche (1995)
The Outer Limits (1995)
The Passion of Darkly Noon (1995)
Planet der toten Seelen (1957)
Planet der Vampire (1965)1 Review 
Raumschiff Alpha (1965)
The Reflecting Skin (1990)
The Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1994)
Roswell (1994)
Shallow Grave (1994)
Sleepstalker (1994)
Species (1995)1 Review 
Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder (1995)
Suite 16 (Director’s Cut) (1995)1 Review 
Wes Craven’s Mind Ripper (1995)