Schweden - die Heimat Greta Garbos, Zarah Leanders und Ingmar Bergmans bot, dank unterkühlt-nordischem Ambiente, stets das ideale Klima für düster-geheimnisvollen Suspense. Regisseur Hans Åke Gabrielsson läßt zerstörte Familienbeziehungen und nachbarlichen Haß in einer kleinen Dorfgemeinde aufeinanderprallen. Das mysteriöse Verschwinden eines extrem unbeliebten Mitbürgers veranlaßt seine aus London angereiste Tochter zu Detektivarbeit. Lisa wird den Verdacht nicht los, daß der "alte Mann", wie sie alle ihren Vater nannten, gewaltsam beseitigt wurde. Zwar wurde die Leiche nie gefunden, dennoch hat ihn die Polizei für tot erklärt. Lisas unermüdliche Spurensuche führt sie zum alten Jagdhaus am Ufer des Sees. Schmerzvolle, schreckliche Wahrheiten lauern hier auf sie...
Sweden’s chilling climate has always inspired sinister suspense. This psycho-thriller dives deep into the abyss of destroyed family life and disrupted community.
Lisa comes back from London to sell a house inherited from her dead father. He mysteriously disappeared in the forest during the winter and is presumed dead. Lisa suspects there is more to the story as her father was disliked in the village. She feels some bad premonition about the old hunting lodge by the lake and is convinced the answers to her questions to be found in the lake. When Lisa sets to find the truth, painful facts about her father, herself and the village are revealed.
Sweden’s chilling climate has always inspired sinister suspense. This psycho-thriller dives deep into the abyss of destroyed family life and disrupted community.
Lisa comes back from London to sell a house inherited from her dead father. He mysteriously disappeared in the forest during the winter and is presumed dead. Lisa suspects there is more to the story as her father was disliked in the village. She feels some bad premonition about the old hunting lodge by the lake and is convinced the answers to her questions to be found in the lake. When Lisa sets to find the truth, painful facts about her father, herself and the village are revealed.