Donnie Darko


von Alan Smithee
I thoroughly enjoyed this film which was weird but real at the same time. The short synopsis in the internet only gives you a sprinkling of what actually goes on in this movie as it is a little bit more complicated than that. This being a US movie you, of course, also have a love interest which is not too soppy, some philosophizing (too much for some people, judging by the impatient sighing of the movie goer sitting next to me). How Americans are such suckers for people who offer books and seminars (therefore answers) to life’s problems (think of the TV preachers) and the dirty secrets behind them (think of TV preachers again!). I wonder whether Donnie Darko is really the disturbed one in this film!
Alan Smithee
sah diesen Film im Cinema, München

25.07.2001, 11:36

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